Established in 2020 and located in the expanded Bronzeville neighborhood, the Bronzeville Center for the Arts (BCA) is a nonprofit organization rooted in the art, culture, and history of the African Diaspora. The vision of the BCA is to “elevate the human capacity for creativity and knowledge, expand Bronzeville’s legacy as a vibrant artistic hub of the Midwest, and make art of the African diaspora a central focus in the cultural consciousness of present and future generations”. They accomplish this through four deliverables. The BCA delivers programming that centers on the art, culture, and history of the African diaspora. They provide an inviting and accessible space for learning and cultural exchange. They acquire the viewpoints of their audience and respond to those ideas. The BCA not only fosters the environment for art to thrive, but they also directly contribute to the cultural and economic growth of Bronzeville.