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The individuals who made up historic Bronzeville were remarkable. Not solely based on their popularity, although some of them were. The driving force behind the greatness of Bronzeville was the…

Milwaukee Bronzeville Histories is sponsored and supported by the non-profit organizations of The Greater Milwaukee Foundation and Create Wisconsin. This is a beginning of an ongoing digital…

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Milwaukee Bronzeville Histories is an interactive virtual platform to enrich and expand the history  of Milwaukee Bronzeville, an African American community.  Milwaukee Bronzeville is an area where African-American migrated during the Great Migration for better opportunities and created a sustainable entrepreneurial community.  During  the 1950's this community like similar African-American communities was decimated due to the Federal mandate of Urban Renewal and left the area in blight. In 2022 Milwaukee Bronzeville is reinventing its entrepreneurial tradition with new businesses with a thriving community.