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Wisconsin Black Historical Society

Preserving Wisconsin's Black History

The Wisconsin Black Historical Society has been preserving the history of African Americans in Wisconsin for over 30 years. It was established in 1987 by Clayborn Benson lll, the founding director, who recognized the need to document Wisconsin's African American history, which had been often ignored. Located on the corner of 27th and Center, the museum has kept its doors and its heart open to the community, focusing on the belief that a people who know their history will grow to love and appreciate themselves more. The museum strives to create a bright future out by encouraging and promoting family, community, and cultural activities.

During the years of its existence, the WBHS has developed programming and activities to directly educate the surrounding community. These programs include tutoring for children in grades K-12th, seasonal classes, educational movies series, financial workshops on investing and credit rebuilding, lecture series, and more. The facility also participates in one of the city's largest and most widely known Kwanzaa celebrations, often kicking off the festivities with families enjoying drumming, dancing, and socializing. The Wisconsin Black Historical Society stands as a staple of the Milwaukee community.


Front of Building
Front of Building View of the WBHS from Center Street Source: Milwaukee Bronzeville Histories Creator: Kitonga Alexander Date: June 22nd, 2022
Side of WBHS A
Side of WBHS A A large mural covers the side of the building, visible from 27th Street north of Center Street. Photographed here in three sections. This is section A. Source: Milwaukee Bronzeville Histories Creator: Kitonga Alexander Date: June 22nd, 2022
Side of WBHS B
Side of WBHS B A large mural covers the side of the building, visible from 27th Street north of Center Street. Photographed here in three sections. This is section B. Source: Milwaukee Bronzeville Histories Creator: Kitonga Alexander Date: June 22nd, 2022
Side of WBHS C
Side of WBHS C A large mural covers the side of the building, visible from 27th Street north of Center Street. Photographed here in three sections. This is section C. Source: Milwaukee Bronzeville Histories Creator: Kitonga Alexander Date: June 22nd, 2022


2620 W Center St, Milwaukee, WI 53206

Kitonga Alexander, “Wisconsin Black Historical Society,” Milwaukee Bronzeville Histories, accessed July 27, 2024,